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time for a change

Zwei Herzen ergeben einen Schmetterling

“The longest journey you will make in life is the short distance from your head to your heart.” (anonymous)

Learn how to take control of your mind, because then you will also take control of your emotions and you’ll be able to create the life you want to live.

We live in times of change!
The times of fighting are over. We no longer need trauma, suffering and drama. All systems that are based on power, greed and exploitation are about to collapse and be replaced by systems based on love which serve humanity. This is also true for relationships, partnerships and jobs etc. Everything is being reorganised right now. Most importantly, your relationship with yourself, which is the most important relationship of your life. For this personal transformation, you will need a new mindset. I would love to offer some inspiration in this regard. In order to help change the world, you will need to change yourself first.

It is not about being nice to everyone, but rather about being honest, natural and authentic. About setting healthy boundaries, not as a “no” to others but as a “yes” to yourself. Make yourself your first priority in life. Take good care of yourself. This does not only refer to food, drink and physical activity but also to the people you surround yourself with. Choose your thoughts, words and actions wisely, because they create the world you will experience. Be very aware of what you think, say and what you do. Enjoy life to the fullest. Celebrate yourself. Live your uniqueness.


“See yourself as the masterpiece you already are but also as an ever-evolving project.” (anonymous)

Love is the highest swinging energy. In order for you to love other people, animals, places and things, you will need to love yourself unconditionally first. This way, you can unlock your creative power and create the story of your life. It’s up to you to construct a new mindset. Every change starts with the appreciation and love you have for yourself.


Constant changes are part of life, just as trial and error, which helps you to find out what you want in life so you can focus on that goal. For you to be able to make independent decisions and not be at the mercy of other people or situations, you need to know how energy flows and how universal laws work. Assume responsibility for your life. Think big and without boundaries. Become the superhero in your life.

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